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Website Traffic


The term website traffic refers to the number of visitors to a website over a period of time. Website traffic is measured in visits , sometimes called "sessions" and is a common way of measuring effectiveness in attracting an audience. The number of people who visit a website will depend on the purpose of the website, the visitor's own goals and the way in which they discovered the site.  



Book a call

Choose person:

Matej Karaba

Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

Michal Lubelec

E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

Marek Ďuračka

Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

  • Matej Karaba

    Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

  • Michal Lubelec

    E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

  • Marek Ďuračka

    Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

Matej is Long-term Impact & Business Consultant and will help you with:

  • Coverage of the marketing mix potential
  • Long-term sustainability
  • Development of a business strategy
  • Creativity in technology
  • Managing IT projects
  • UX/UI and SEO

Michal is Consultant for E-commerce Analytics and Measurement and will help you with:

  • data and analytics settings
  • bidding and budget planning
  • campaign automation

Marek is Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant will help you with:

  • Social media
  • E-commerce Strategy
  • Developing Business Strategies
  • Performance Marketing
  • HR & Building of marketing team