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Why Choose Headless E-commerce?

If you do business in the area of e-commerce, it is certainly clear to you that keeping up with the times is a must. Have you ever updated a front-end or back-end system only to find that it brought you an endless number of worries? Headless e-commerce may be just the solution you need. Do you know how it works, what it is based on and why you should think about choosing to use it? You’ll learn everything you need to know in our blog.

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The Technological Background of E-shop...

With the gradual growth of e-shops, many mistakes occur that many owners are either unaware of or underestimate their importance. Aside from automation, important steps also include communicating with customers or creating the best possible user experience. Let’s run through these points together.

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Are you ready for rocket growth?

Contact us

Book a call

Choose person:

Matej Karaba

Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

Michal Lubelec

E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

Marek Ďuračka

Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

  • Matej Karaba

    Long-term Impact & Business Consultant

  • Michal Lubelec

    E-commerce Performance & Strategy Consultant

  • Marek Ďuračka

    Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant

Matej is Long-term Impact & Business Consultant and will help you with:

  • Coverage of the marketing mix potential
  • Long-term sustainability
  • Development of a business strategy
  • Creativity in technology
  • Managing IT projects
  • UX/UI and SEO

Michal is Consultant for E-commerce Analytics and Measurement and will help you with:

  • data and analytics settings
  • bidding and budget planning
  • campaign automation

Marek is Business & Marketing Strategy Consultant will help you with:

  • Social media
  • E-commerce Strategy
  • Developing Business Strategies
  • Performance Marketing
  • HR & Building of marketing team