E-commerce Booster

Leaders in e-commerce management consulting

Long-term Cooperation in E-commerce Management

Business Consulting

We analyse your online project and identify its weak sides and opportunities. We then propose solutions.

Business Analytics

We will help you with planning, team-building, executive control, technological progress, expansion or logistics.

Project Financing

We offer co-financing in conjunction with our know-how for small to medium e-commerce projects with high potential

Our consultants

Trusted by

Our consulting approach

Initial Free Video Call

Let's get to know each other. We'll clarify your business needs and direction.

OpiStarter Event

A full-day workshop packed with know-how right at your office. Our consultants will thoroughly examine the processes in every segment of your business. The outcome will be an action plan with defined priorities to achieve your set goals and address your most urgent challenges.

Long-term Support in E-commerce

We'll dive into key topics and find solutions for your strategic challenges – whether for long-term or short-term collaboration.

Invest in e-commerce

Evaluating Potential

We will evaluate the potential of a project, on the basis of which you will get an argument for/against investing in the project.

Definition of KPI, KPI Watchdog, Reporting

We take on the role of knowledgeable e-commerce supervisors on the investor’s side, and we set up and control everything necessary.

Co-Founders to Hire

For projects that require smart money in the field of e-commerce, we offer the opportunity of co-founding and participation in a project.

Case studies


From consulting to double the turnover...

Takoy is a Slovak manufacturer of design fabrics, which it distributes to 20 countries around the world. The result of their successful expansion and commitment to provide top-quality materials to customers around the globe is an annual turnover of approximately 6 million euros. What role has Opinest played in their growth?

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Hidden opportunities on Amazon: From l...

During our collaboration, Northfinder was already on Amazon but struggled with profitability. Northfinder needed to reassess and optimize their approach to ensure long-term effectiveness. Read how we turned Amazon into a top-performing channel.

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Matej Karaba: If your business is in d...

In the world of business, expansion is a key step for growth. Many e-shop owners fear expansion, particularly the risk of burning out their investment. In this blog, we delve into the topic of expansion in depth with our consultant, Matej Karaba. Why is expansion important in business? What strategic steps form the basis for successful expansion, and what pitfalls should be avoided?

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Development of your own product as a k...

If you wish to move forward and grow, a long-term reliance on classic reselling is not really worth it. The development of your own product is one of the key strategies for getting ahead of the competition, as it gives companies more control over quality, pricing and innovation while strengthening the brand and building customer loyalty. But how do you start the development of your own product?

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Big changes in e-commerce: The Web Acc...

Less than a year from now, the European Accessibility Act (Directive 2019/882) will come into force. The date from which all new online projects and products must meet the requirements arising from the EAA is 28 June 2025. Thanks to this law, the lives of more than 87 million people will be made easier. If, however, you do not meet the requirements, you will have considerable problems with the relevant authorities. So, what is going to change and who will this change affect?

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